Diabetes in Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know
Diabetes in pregnancy is a serious issue that warrants immediate attention. To explain it in simple terms, diabetes in pregnancy is the elevation of blood sugar levels in the mother during pregnancy. It is similar to diabetes mellitus, but it deserves special attention because of the long term consequences, not only for the mother but also to the baby. Here are few frequently asked questions about diabetes in pregnancy. What is gestational diabetes? Normally, when you consume any food, the sugar levels in the blood spike. This leads to the release of insulin, that helps in metabolizing the sugar in the blood. Sugar then reduces in the blood. But during pregnancy, your body becomes resistant to the action of insulin, leading to a persistent increase in the blood sugar levels. This elevation of blood sugar levels is seen in women who are otherwise normal and have proper insulin function. Hence the name gestational diabetes. One silver lining about this diabetes is that your body will revert to its original state after pregnancy. However, your risk of developing diabetes in the future will be high. Will I develop gestational diabetes? Any woman who is pregnant is prone to develop diabetes in pregnancy.