Different Birth Control Methods
Contraception has been in practice since ancient times. It birthed out of the necessity to avoid unintended and/or unplanned pregnancy. Though newer technologies have changed the way birth control methods are practiced, yet the underlying principles have remained the same. The need for contraception has also remained consistent- to enjoy sex without getting pregnant. Contraception can be planned or can be taken as an emergency measure. It can be reversible or irreversible, long-term or short term. The widely used barrier method of contraception acts by preventing the sperms from meeting the egg. There also are hormonal preparations that act on the female reproductive system hindering the release of the ovum from the ovaries. Intrauterine Devices (IUD) prevent fertilization while the long-term irreversible solution is offered by sterilization. But what method to use depends on various factors like age, marital status, education of the beneficiaries, socioeconomic status, hormonal status, etc. Having a number of options to choose from, it is more of a cafeteria approach where you are given the options to choose from a menu card. In this article, we shall see what the various methods of contraception are and what would be the most suitable profile to use them.