Customizing Your Fitness Training Program for Your Core Muscles
Core muscles predominantly include abdominal muscles, back muscles, and muscles around the pelvis. The stronger they are, the better equipped you are for several physical activities. Core strength exercises are meant for strengthening your core muscles and can be done on a carpeted floor or yoga mat. Core muscle training includes some of the most rigorous and exhausting forms of workout. However, the results are great and help you build a mighty core. Here is a list of a few exercises for a perfectly toned and athletic body. Recommended Read: Core Training: Separating Fact from Fiction Abdominal crunch This is one of the most classic and ubiquitous core training methods. This exercise is done by leaning against the wall and ensuring that the knees and hips are bent at 90-degree angles. The abdominal muscles need to be tightened. Meanwhile, raise the arms and shoulders off the floor. It’s better to cross your arms over the chest, rather than locking them behind the head, to avoid straining the neck. Hold your breath for 3 counts and release. Keep repeating the procedure again. Recommended Read: The Best Exercises for Lower Abs Bridge This helps tighten a combination of multiple muscles. It is done by lying on the back with a bent knee.