How to Discipline Your Child Without Being Angry
Your toddler is throwing yet another tantrum . Your preschooler is absolutely, positively refusing to pick up her toys. Or maybe your older child just stomped away and slammed the door when you asked her to do her homework. Now what? You could get all huffy and start screaming. But that won’t help anyone. What you need right now is to discipline your child, minus the parental anger part. Stop Feeling like a Failure Daycare called. Again. Your toddler bit yet another child. Hmm. It must be your fault. At least, that’s what you’re thinking. You’re embarrassed, outraged and are putting the blame entirely on yourself. Face it, you feel like a parenting failure. The important thing to keep in mind right now is – you are not failing at anything. Kids aren’t born knowing right from wrong. It’s the adult’s job to teach them that. But you can’t teach your child all of the in’s and out’s of appropriate and acceptable behavior on day one. It takes time. And that’s time you need to give to yourself. Take a Moment You told your 4-year-old to keep her grape juice in the kitchen. But she brought it into the living room anyway.