4 Mental Health Issues Faced by a Teenager

4 Mental Health Issues Faced by a Teenager

As teenagers, most individuals have gone through a crisis that has broken the inner confidence many times. From emotional ups and downs to an existential crisis, this roller coaster ride of emotions can go on for years. A young individual is vulnerable, and the inability to handle the crisis that life throws can lead to teens feeling low and emotionally weak. Early adulthood is marked by several body and mental changes and these include physical and emotional transition. It is during this period that there is an onset of common mental health issues in teens.

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As a growing individual, a teen can be extremely moody and become cranky over time. This is a natural part of growing up, making them feel out of control. During this process, it becomes difficult to understand and identify what is a mental health issue. The serious conditions can take a serious toll on the well being of a teen and thus looking out for indicators is important.

Common mental health issues in teens can range from depression, anxiety, to behavioral disorder and many more. Generally, teen health issues have roots and can be identified as the individual nears 14 years of age. This issue can bleed into one’s twenties and become serious if not addressed in time. Teens who are raised in disturbed family surrounding or whose parents have mental disorders are at a greater risk of suffering from mental health issues.

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The most common mental health issues in teens include:

Teens who suffer from anxiety find it extremely difficult to maintain their presences in the society. They may be always looking for a way to miss out on school and other social activities due to their anxious behavior. There is serious phobia among these individuals and they find it extremely difficult to cope up with new experiences and new people in their life. Anxiety is the most common health issue in teens that parents and teachers should look out for.

Recommended Read:  Treatments for Anxiety Disorders

Depression is the most prevalent mental health issue in teens . This condition is marked by irritability that is followed by sadness, hypersensitivity, and constant complains of stomach pain and headaches. There are sudden drop-in grades and a sudden rise in absenteeism that may be recorded in the educational institution. People around should be aware of tardiness and sleepiness , that is followed by suicidal tendencies as well.

Eating disorder

Eating disorders may include binge eating or eating small amounts of food. This is a mental issue that is common among girls who cannot deal with the pressure set by social standards. Eating disorders can lead to dramatic weight gain or weight loss, a feeling of unhappiness, insecurity about one’s appearance and the constant fear of gaining weight.

Common mental health issues in teens not only affects them as individuals but can have an effect on the family, school, work and one’s social life too. A mental illness is as harmful as any physical illness and should be addressed and treated in due time. It is best to consult a medical professional who will undertake treatment successfully and prevent any future disability.